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2020 Balance

This is a year for new vision, clarity and dynamic goal accomplishment. As we put in the required work for great success, we must also make time to play. We all get bogged down with work and family responsibilities from time to time, but making time for yourself is necessary so that you can keep up with all your responsibilities while remaining healthy mentally, physically and emotionally. Balanced living means considering all aspects of your life: relationships, work, fitness, health, and emotional well-being.

One of my goals this year is to accomplish a number of fresh new goals within my professional career, while always living a well-balanced life personally. We should do more of the things that make us happy. For me, that's been challenging because my work never ever feels like work. I love making others look & feel their best. But a few years ago, after years of working non-stop with no breaks in between running my makeup school, empowering & training others as the Founder of the top makeup academy in Hollywood, servicing my clients around the world; including numerous celebrities, while launching my organic beauty brand, while also working as a Professional Makeup Artist in Film, Television and Runway, all with no vacations for several years straight, I finally hit a wall. I got very ill and couldn't work. I suffered from mental, physical & emotional exhaustion. This forced me to re-examine my life while also gaining a much healthier lifestyle & a true understanding of how to maintain a well-balanced life. I returned to my industry re-charged and with a whole new outlook & level of power & strength. I now often share my story to help other creatives evolve. Great balance is key.

As I reflected on things that make me happy, I remembered as a kid growing up back in Texas, starting at the age of 6 years old, I would go with my big brothers to our community skating rink; a cool, popular spot known as "Jolly Times". I would skate for hours every week along with the teenagers as if I were too a teenager. My brothers would teach me some really cool moves on wheels, and I would nail every move. Those memories of skating freely as a child continued throughout my teenage years & to the sounds of 80's then 90's hits. Those days bring back such joy; a joy that I've decided to freely reignite.

This past weekend, after teaching one of my favorite actors exclusive beauty tips via my private 1-on-1 makeup session, I decided to take off my beauty business hat, sit my makeup brushes down, turn off my laptop, put my skates on and hit the skate trail. The old me would've felt guilty for not working during my spare time following her makeup training session. How crazy is that? Instead, I skated! And I loved every moment as it helped be better prepare for a productive week ahead. I set a few personal goals that truly helped to change & balance my life in a beautiful way. Those goals included swimming as part of my workout, consistent cardio, weight-lifting, traveling more for pleasure and skating. I had to learn the importance of doing more of what makes my soul happy. Being happy gives you a better outlook on life, so you're more prepared to tackle your tasks. Stress, on the other hand, can keep you from enjoying life and can have a negative impact on your health. Research also has shown that stress can stifle creativity. Make time to take care of yourself and indulge in creative outlets you enjoy to help with stress reduction. Let's all enjoy the new decade to the fullest. Join me in living a well-balance life.

Please don’t forget to laugh. Laugh until your side hurts! It’s great for your health and can help alleviate stress, fights off infections, boosts brain health, lowers blood pressure and improves your overall mood. Laughter is so good for the soul. Do lots of it. Hey, I hope my blog bring you lots of love & light. Thanks for joining me.

Nakeah Fuller - Beauty Expert, Blogger "All Things Beauty"

Purse: Pop & Suki

Organic Makeup & Skin Care: Nakeah Cosmetics of Hollywood

Leggings: Torrid

Denim Jacket: Lane Bryant

Fitted Tee: ArtisanNY

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