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2019, We've Got This!

I hope the new year has kicked off strong for everyone as many of us have new goals, new tasks, new vision & new momentum! As for me, I've been so focused on the next level for my beauty brand, its supporters & our customers. Very excited to be able to take some time to finally share with you what I've been working on. Below you'll find pics of the new packaging and a few great behind the scenes captured during this overall journey. While also launching a new organic, lead-free, animal cruelty-free matte lipstick collection, I've so missed sharing with you here on my blog and I thank you for following along via Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn. While focusing on finalizing all the new packaging, the exceptional quality remains the same; same flawless all natural, organic, animal cruelty-free ingredients, but much sexier packaging which also keeps the makeup fresh even longer. Now, the work begins of proper placement around the globe now that the packaging is exquisite. Thank you all for your support over the years, throughout 2019 & beyond. My goal is to provide you with the absolute BEST. Not just another product endorsed by a celebrity for money. Not just another product on a shelf that doesn't live up to the hype; but the absolute BEST!

"It is all I've ever worn for years now. Nakeah is what I use on myself & on my clients; both Makeup & Skin Care." "Sharing is caring."

--Nakeah Fuller

Nakeah Cosmetics of Hollywood has been a vision of mine since I was a little girl playing in my mother's makeup. We would go to the mall (mom & I) to purchase new fashion pieces & new makeup. My heart would race as we got closer to the beauty counters. Makeup shopping was such a treat for me. As I got older, once prom season rolled around, I was more excited about the makeup than the dress, my handsome date & prom itself. While in college, I was recruited as a Mary Kay Consultant and my dorm room at Prairie View A&M University became the on-campus makeup room. Ladies would wait in line for my special winged eyeliner. LOL! I would charge $15 + $5 for lashes and clean up... $$$; only to purchase more makeup. After college, I began working in Corporate America and ladies would gather around my desk for makeup tips & to purchase what I had to offer. I would host makeup parties at my tiny apartment in Texas and oh what a time we'd have! For more training, on the side of working my regular 9-5 at the telephone company in Dallas, I later took a part- time job at MAC Cosmetics and became the top sales person. I learned everything that I could. I later received a call to be Key Makeup Artist for a movie that was filming in Houston, TX which lead to being booked for Music Videos with Houston Rap Stars Paul Wall, Mike Jones and Slim Thug. This is when my men's grooming skills kicked in. Once I returned to Dallas after working in Houston, I began getting booked more for ad campaigns & commercials; including Super Bowl Commercials with NFL Hall of Famers "Randy White" & "Jason Whitten". I then got my first agent. I had no idea that Makeup Artist Agencies even existed. I was then on a whole new level as a Professional Makeup Artist. I was approached while working a campaign shoot at a photography studio in Downtown Dallas by a thriving boutique agency. I later signed with one of Dallas' top agencies "The Campbell Agency". Being a full-time working makeup artist lead me to providing makeup for corporate companies such as AT&T, Coca-Cola & more. After working for a few years in my home state of Texas, I later visited Los Angeles with a family friend in 2005 and after just 1 day of being in Hollywood, I knew that I belonged in this City of Angels. Throughout my career, while working for numerous household beauty brands, I'd never been 100% satisfied as many products required mixing or using numerous products in order to get a phenomenal result. I am not easily impressed. I believe in exceptional quality & effortlessness. Some say it is the capricorn in me. :-)

The thought of living in Los Angeles, CA scared me to death though. I didn't know anyone. I had no support from anyone. Many doubted my decision. I thought, "where would I live?" "Where would I work?" "No one knew me". "How would I survive?" However, I did it. It was the scariest yet most exciting time of my life. I went home after that first trip to Los Angeles more motivated than ever. I had something to work harder for. I applied for another movie as Makeup Department Head with an LA Production Company and I got it! I sold everything that I could, loaded up my car and off to Hollywood I went. I drove the entire way (2 days) with butterflies in my belly. In 2006, I took that huge leap of faith. I later one day spoke it to myself & others sharing... "One day, I will own a makeup school" followed by "launching my very own line of beautiful cosmetics & skin care". I recall a roommate saying "Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep dreaming Nakeah". She said "You seem to have really big dreams" as she laughed. She later applied for a job at my company. Those statements that I shared have taken both me & Hollywood by storm. I've worked with numerous legends, countless super models, trained more than 5,000 students from around the world, worked with many of the best photographers, unbelievable musicians & some of the world's most renowned entertainers. Many that I grew up watching on television. Many outstanding artists whose music I grew up listening to as a teenager & young adult. I share this to say We've GOT THIS! Launching a beautiful, unique line of cosmetics has strengthened my faith in more ways than one could imagine. What a challenging; yet, amazing journey it has been. Throughout all the ups & downs, I've learned a lot of course. Although, I've accomplished several goals, I have a lot more work to do. And yes, I've definitely made some mistakes along the way; but I kept going, kept researching, kept studying and although a few times I've even tried to walk away while saying "I can't do this”, “Maybe it's just a dream", or "maybe I didn't hear GOD clearly". Then, product orders would flood in, the phone would ring with phenomenal opportunities. I remember one day screaming out the window like a crazy person "I QUIT!" Then, the phone wouldn't stop ringing with requests for products and makeup services again. Me: "Well back to work Nakeah!". My cousin said to me with a smirk that day "but I thought you quit?" There's something that just would not let me walk away. I'm quite grateful for the progress, the blessings, the lessons learned, the unbelievable opportunities, the heartbreaks, the awesome career experiences and the overall vision. I remain excited daily and the same drive & passion that's in me, I love seeing in others. I continue to push myself while also pushing others as well. Why? Because we can do it!

In 2019, I challenge everyone to take a moment to really think about your passion. Think about your purpose. Think about what excites you to the point of stomach butterflies. What will you sacrifice for it? What is that one thing that you've always dreamed about doing? What makes your heart happy? Here, in this post I've shared with you mine. Has it been easy? Absolutely not. Has it been worth it all? Yes, it has. But remember, there is a divine purpose & a gift in us all. That purpose GOD will use to bless others in ways we can't even imagine; which is also proof that he will see us through it. We can push through all trials with a lot of hard work & dedication. Dreams do come true. I've seen it happen again & again for those who believed and never gave up. I've witnessed it for myself. It's also important to be around others who truly respect your vision & those who are like-minded. Overtime, if you aren't fully aware of your purpose, it will be revealed once you begin to work towards your goals & again remember "what truly makes your heart smile". Always believe in your passion; even when others do not. Remain excited! Also, be aware of riders. Those who will ride with you, but not work. Those who will talk a good game, but not really serious about putting in the required work to make that game a beautiful reality. Stay away while remaining focused on "Your Vision". Mine happens to be empowering & enhancing others to look & feel their absolute best. Many beauty products on the market today contain the leading cancer causing ingredients. Ingredients in the products that we use daily truly matter to our overall health, our lasting appearance, our self confidence and our lifestyle. It is a serious matter. It is important that we all know that. There's lots to share and while celebrating "All Things Beauty" around the world, I've also introduced to you a very beautiful, luxurious, organic, animal cruelty-free, paraben-free makeup & skin care line that was truly created with YOU in mind...

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